Andrew McClymont
A mountain bikers breakfast if ever there was one! By Zach Faulkner
Starting a fire from a bed of cold coals is an arduous task first thing in the morning. Sometimes you luck out and the fire catches light damn near first try, on the more frustrating occasions, the little lumps in the ash smoke and smolder for ages before finally providing some dancing yellow and orange streaks. Β This is how I feel in the morning. Β A life-long-not-a-morning-person, the struggle to get up to speed in the morning has always been a herculean task. Imbibing coffee helped the process around the age of 18 once I was in college, but...
Abby Sessock
First market of 2020 + new exciting goodMix products.
Thank you to everyone who came out to the Waitsfield Farmers Market on Saturday May 16. It was always going to be a interesting event and thats exactly what it was thanks to this stupid virus we now have to deal with. The weather was not great with it being fully overcast and kind of cool, but no rain so we can handle the cool, on top of this, being the very first market of the season I did not have huge expectations in terms of sales but it turned out ok anyway, and most other vendors seemed happy as...
Andrew McClymont
Dietary Fiber and Microflora
There is a constant refresh of information on the benefits of balanced microflora in the gut. Scientific studies arrive from multiple fronts on a weekly or biweekly basis. The glory in the details usually defaults to the "probiotics" usually sourced from certain types of fermented foods. Indeed, most people now deliberately include live culture yogurts as part of their regular intake, as a result of what is now a common general knowledge about increasing the levels and varieties of our gut biota. But the "prebiotics" that are comprised of undigestible dietary fiber are the heavy lifters inside of us. These...
Andrew McClymont
Purchase goodMix in your local store!
Hello and happy Monday to everyone,Just a quick update on things, over the last few months we've been busy working with retailers to get goodMix into as many mouths as possible, slowly but surely goodMix is becoming available at more reputable retailers, if you would like to see goodMix in a store near you please let us know and let your local store know as well and we'll do our best to get it on the shelf.Several recent additions to the retail list are the Monadnock Food Coop in Keene NH, Debra's Natural Gourmet in Concorde MA, and Cambridge Naturals...

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