Winter Farmer's Market in Waitsfield, VT

Winter Farmer's Market in Waitsfield, VT

A small step, but a huge leap for goodMix, our first ever farmers market in Vermont. After months of planning and research, sourcing of ingredients, setting up home in a new country and all the associated hassles, we are finally in action.

Friday the 12th, thankfully not 13th, was the first production day at the Mad River Food Hub in Waitsfield, followed by the first, The Waitsfield Winter market on Valentines day.

The weather may have helped us, being too cold for all but the hardest to be outside skiing in the -12 temps, regular vendors remarked that it was one of the busiest days this winter. A great day to start on with a few dozen curious market goers deciding to take the plunge and purchase this strange new seed blend from the Australian at the previously vacant corner table.

I have to thank everyone who placed their faith in goodMix Blend 11 and bought a pack, we sincerely hope you enjoy it, and there's plenty more to come yet!




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