Recipes — recipe
Andrew McClymont
Carrot Cake Quinoa Porridge
Posted on July 18, 2016 by Malou 18JUL This is a great gluten free, winter warmer breakfast for those carrot cake/porridge lovers out there!  Ingredients 1 cup quinoa2 cups nut milk (almond works well)2 small grated apples1 large grated carrot1 tsp cinnamon¼ tsp nutmeg1 tsp grated ginger1 tsp vanilla essence1 can coconut milk1 pinch of Himalayan salt4 tbs NeoblendOptional: raw honey to tasteOptional: 2 eggs Method 1. Cook the quinoa with the almond milk for 15 minutes until it’s mostly absorbed.2. Then add the rest of the ingredients and cook for another 5 minutes until thick and creamy.3. If you decide to use...
Andrew McClymont
Prizewinning Blend 11 Salad
CAULIFLOWER, PUMPKIN, PINENUT & PAPRIKA SALAD Posted on August 8, 2016 by Kerry 08AUG Winter or not, bring warmth to your table with this epic salad. It makes a sensational side… accompanied by grilled wild caught fish, but is also rather complete in itself! Ingredients 300g activated goodMix Blend 11 (soak approx. 1 ½ – 2 cups of dry mix)1040g / ¼ pumpkin cubed and roasted1000g / 1 whole cauliflower, florets chopped but chunky2 onions, diced120g / 3 big handfuls baby spinach80-100g pinenuts, dry roasted¼ to ½ tspn celtic salt3 tspns PaprikaCoconut oil for roasting vegGhee for sauteeingOlive oil to drizzle salad Method...
Andrew McClymont
Acai Chia Pudding Parfait
ACAI CHIA PUDDING PARFAIT Posted on June 20, 2016 by Malou A parfait that has a delicious blend of gooey, crunchy & FRUITY goodness in a jar! Ingredients – 2 tsp blend11– 2 tsp Chia Seeds– 1/2C Almond Milk– 1 tsp Acai Powder– 1/3C Natural Greek Yoghurt– 1/2C Granola– Fruit of choice  Method 1) Night Before! In a small bowl, mix the blend11, Chia Seeds, Acai Powder & Almond Milk in a bowl.  Leave in fridge overnight to set.2) Morning after! Grab small bowl out of fridge & stir up Chia Pudding mixture.3) Spoon pudding mixture into the bottom of a jar. Then layer with Natural Greek...

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